File Set Type
principal analysis
principal analysis of scCRISPR screen data


4 items
Sample Terms
GM25256 (WTC-11) differentiated cell specimen induced to neuron for 19 days (cellular sub pool: 10Xlane1), male, Homo sapiens modified with a guide library
GM25256 (WTC-11) differentiated cell specimen induced to neuron for 19 days (cellular sub pool: 10Xlane3), male, Homo sapiens modified with a guide library
GM25256 (WTC-11) differentiated cell specimen induced to neuron for 19 days (cellular sub pool: 10Xlane4), male, Homo sapiens modified with a guide library
GM25256 (WTC-11) differentiated cell specimen induced to neuron for 19 days (cellular sub pool: 10Xlane2), male, Homo sapiens modified with a guide library


1 item
  • igvf:donor_of_WTC11
Homo sapiens

MeasurementSet Input File Sets

4 items
Associated Auxiliary Sets
Associated Construct Library Sets
scCRISPR activation screen integrating a guide (sgRNA) library targeting TF binding sites, candidate cis-regulatory elements in many genomic loci
GM25256 (WTC-11) differentiated cell specimen induced to neuron for 19 days (cellular sub pool: 10Xlane3), male, Homo sapiens modified with a guide library
scCRISPR activation screen integrating a guide (sgRNA) library targeting TF binding sites, candidate cis-regulatory elements in many genomic loci
GM25256 (WTC-11) differentiated cell specimen induced to neuron for 19 days (cellular sub pool: 10Xlane2), male, Homo sapiens modified with a guide library
scCRISPR activation screen integrating a guide (sgRNA) library targeting TF binding sites, candidate cis-regulatory elements in many genomic loci
GM25256 (WTC-11) differentiated cell specimen induced to neuron for 19 days (cellular sub pool: 10Xlane4), male, Homo sapiens modified with a guide library
scCRISPR activation screen integrating a guide (sgRNA) library targeting TF binding sites, candidate cis-regulatory elements in many genomic loci
GM25256 (WTC-11) differentiated cell specimen induced to neuron for 19 days (cellular sub pool: 10Xlane1), male, Homo sapiens modified with a guide library

AuxiliarySet Input File Sets

4 items
Associated Measurement Sets
Associated Construct Library Sets
gRNA sequencing for scCRISPR activation screen integrating a guide (sgRNA) library targeting TF binding sites, candidate cis-regulatory elements in many genomic loci
GM25256 (WTC-11) differentiated cell specimen induced to neuron for 19 days (cellular sub pool: 10Xlane3), male, Homo sapiens modified with a guide library
gRNA sequencing for scCRISPR activation screen integrating a guide (sgRNA) library targeting TF binding sites, candidate cis-regulatory elements in many genomic loci
GM25256 (WTC-11) differentiated cell specimen induced to neuron for 19 days (cellular sub pool: 10Xlane1), male, Homo sapiens modified with a guide library
gRNA sequencing for scCRISPR activation screen integrating a guide (sgRNA) library targeting TF binding sites, candidate cis-regulatory elements in many genomic loci
GM25256 (WTC-11) differentiated cell specimen induced to neuron for 19 days (cellular sub pool: 10Xlane4), male, Homo sapiens modified with a guide library
gRNA sequencing for scCRISPR activation screen integrating a guide (sgRNA) library targeting TF binding sites, candidate cis-regulatory elements in many genomic loci
GM25256 (WTC-11) differentiated cell specimen induced to neuron for 19 days (cellular sub pool: 10Xlane2), male, Homo sapiens modified with a guide library


1 item
File Format
Content Type
File Size
Upload Status
sparse gene count matrix
Jay Shendure, UW
442 MB
