Extend collections enum list to include StanfordFCC.
Extend collections enum list to include IGVF phase 1.
Extend collections enum list to include TOPMED Freeze 8.
Extend collections enum list to include Williams Syndrome Research.
Extend transcriptome_annotation enum list to include GENCODE 47.
Extend transcriptome_annotation enum list to include GENCODE M36.
Add filtered.
Add workflow.
Extend content_type enum list to include reporter experiment barcode.
Extend collections enum list to include IGVF_catalog_beta_v0.5.
Add checkfiles_version.
Extend content_type enum list to include DNA footprint scores.
Extend content_type enum list to include cell hashing barcodes.
Extend content_type enum list to include unfiltered local differential expression.
Extend content_type enum list to include unfiltered global differential expression.
Extend upload_status enum list to include validation exempted.
Extend status enum list to include preview.
Extend content_type enum list to include barcode onlist.
Update calculation of summary.
Extend transcriptome_annotation enum list to include GENCODE 32.
Extend content_type enum list to include differential chromatin contact quantifications.
Extend content_type enum list to include variant functional predictions.
Extend assembly enum list to include custom.
Extend content_type enum list to include bin paired count.
Schema version 13
Adjust file_format enum list to remove txt.
Minor changes since schema version 12
Extend content_type enum list to include reporter elements.
Extend content_type enum list to include reporter experiment.
Extend content_type enum list to include reporter variants.
Extend content_type enum list to include reporter genomic element effects.
Extend content_type enum list to include reporter genomic variant effects.
Extend content_type enum list to include differential element quantifications.
Add derived_manually.
Adjust file_format enum list to restrict usage of txt to admin users.
Extend collections enum list to include VarChAMP.
Extend content_type enum list to include barcode to TF overexpression mapping.
Extend content_type enum list to include coding variant effects.
Extend content_type enum list to include peak quantifications.
Extend content_type enum list to include variant localization impacts.
Schema version 12
Extend content_type enum list to include external source data.
Extend content_type enum list to include fragments.
Extend content_type enum list to include gene quantifications.
Adjust content_type enum list to remove SNP effect matrix.
Minor changes since schema version 11
Extend assembly enum list to include Cast - GRCm39.
Extend transcriptome_annotation enum list to include GENCODE Cast - M32.
Extend content_type enum list to include genes.
Extend content_type enum list to include loci.
Add calculated property assay_titles.
Add calculated property barcode_map_for.
Extend content_type enum list to include transcript quantifications.
Extend content_type enum list to include barcode to hashtag mapping.
Extend content_type enum list to include barcode to variant mapping.
Add cell_type_annotation.
Extend content_type enum list to include variant binding effects.
Extend content_type enum list to include SNP effect matrix.
Extend content_type enum list to include tissue positions.
Extend content_type enum list to include prime editing guide RNA sequences.
Update calculation of summary.
Extend content_type enum list to include editing templates.
Extend content_type enum list to include variants.
Add analysis_step_version.
Add calculated property input_file_for.
Extend content_type enum list to include sample sort parameters.
Extend content_type enum list to include differential gene expression quantifications.
Extend content_type enum list to include differential transcript expression quantifications.
Extend content_type enum list to include MPRA sequence designs.
Schema version 11
Adjust content_type enum list to replace fold over change control with fold change over control.
Schema version 10
Reduce upload_status enum list to exclude deposited.
Remove anvil_source_url.
Add anvil_url.
Require controlled_access.
Minor changes since schema version 9
Extend file_format_type enum list to include mpra_starr.
Extend collections enum list to include Vista.
Extend collections enum list to include IGVF_catalog_beta_v0.2.
Extend collections enum list to include IGVF_catalog_beta_v0.3.
Extend collections enum list to include IGVF_catalog_beta_v0.4.
Extend content_type enum list to include barcode to element mapping.
Schema version 9
Extend upload_status enum list to include deposited.
Add controlled_access.
Add anvil_source_url.
Add calculated property anvil_destination_url.
Schema version 8
Require derived_from to contain at least one value.
Require file_format_specifications to contain at least one value.
Minor changes since schema version 7
Add calculated property integrated_in.
Schema version 7
Require release_timestamp for any objects with released, archived, or revoked status.
Minor changes since schema version 6
Update aliases regex to add buenrostro-bernstein as a namespace.
Schema version 6
Add GENCODE 44, GENCODE 45, GENCODE M33, and GENCODE M34 to transcriptome_annotation.
Remove hg19 and mm10 from assembly.
Minor changes since schema version 5
Add fold over change control, guide quantifications, protein to protein interaction score, variant to element mapping, element quantifications, elements reference, and variant effects to content_type.
Add sequence barcodes to content_type.
Add barcode to sample mapping to content_type.
Add release_timestamp.
Add MPRAbase to collections.
Schema version 5
Require assembly if file_format is one of bam, bed, bedpe, bigWig, bigBed, bigInteract, tabix, or vcf.
Schema version 4
Require publicly released files to have upload_status of validated or invalidated.