Perturb-seq Quality Metric
Perturb-seq Quality Metric
Schema for submission of a Perturb-seq uniform pipeline quality metric.
analysis_step_version, award, lab, quality_metric_of
Identifying Properties
aliases, uuid
Lab specific identifiers to reference an object.
Alignment percentage (p_pseudoaligned) reported by Kallisto.
The analysis step version of the quality metric.
Grant associated with the submission.
A plain text description of the object.
Guide diversity (Gini index)
Lab associated with the submission.
Mean mitochondrial reads.
Multiplicity Of Infection
Paired reads mapped (n_pseudoaligned) reported by Kallisto.
Percent Cells Assigned Guide
Additional information specified by the submitter to be displayed as a comment on the portal.
Total Cells Passing Filters
Unfiltered total detected scRNA barcodes (numBarcodes) reported by Kallisto.
Total reads (n_processed) reported by Kallisto.