Institutional Certificate

Institutional Certificate
An institutional certificate defining the data sharing limitations for data authorized for submission to the IGVF portal.
award, certificate_identifier, controlled_access, lab, urls
Identifying Properties
aliases, certificate_identifier, uuid
Lab specific identifiers to reference an object.
Grant associated with the submission.
Indicator of whether the samples are under controlled access.
Code indicating the limitations on data use for data generated from the applicable samples. GRU (General research use): Use of the data is limited only by the terms of the Data Use Certification: these data will be added to the dbGaP Collection. HMB (Health/medical/biomedical): Use of the data is limited to health/medical/biomedical purposes, does not include the study of population origins or ancestry. DS (Disease specific): Use of the data must be related to the specified disease. Other: any other customized limitation.
Code indicating a modifier on the limitations on data use for data generated from the applicable samples. COL: Requestor must provide a letter of collaboration with the primary study investigator(s). GSO: Use of the data is limited to genetic studies only. IRB: Approval Required IRB Requestor must provide documentation of local IRB approval. MDS: Use of the data includes methods development research (e.g., development and testing of software or algorithms). NPU: Use of the data is limited to not-for-profit organizations. PUB: Requestor agrees to make results of studies using the data available to the larger scientific community.
A plain text description of the object.
Lab associated with the submission.
Samples covered by this institutional certificate.
Additional information specified by the submitter to be displayed as a comment on the portal.
Link to the institutional certification form.