Extend collections enum list to include IGVF_catalog_beta_v0.5.
Extend biosample_qualifiers enum list to include calcified.
Extend status enum list to include preview.
Extend collections enum list to include VarChAMP.
Add biosample_qualifiers.
Schema version 23
Remove publication_identifiers.
Schema version 22
Require sources if product_id is specified.
Minor changes since schema version 21
Restrict publication_identifiers to submission by admins only.
Add publications.
Schema version 21
Remove nih_institutional_certification.
Minor changes since schema version 20
Allow modifications to link to Crispr Modifications.
Add protocols.
Allow modifications to contain a maximum of 2 items.
Add calculated property upper_bound_age_in_hours.
Add calculated property lower_bound_age_in_hours.
Add growth_medium.
Add demultiplexed_from.
Add calculated property demultiplexed_to.
Update dbxrefs regex to allow ENCODE sample accessions.
Schema version 20
Require release_timestamp for any objects with released, archived, or revoked status.
Minor changes since schema version 19
Update aliases regex to add buenrostro-bernstein as a namespace.
Add MPRAbase to collections.
Schema version 19
Replace classification with classifications.
Minor changes since schema version 18
Add release_timestamp.
Schema version 18
Restrict specification of cell_fate_change_protocol, cell_fate_change_treatments, targeted_sample_term, time_post_change, and time_post_change_units if classification is cell line.
Schema version 17
Restrict linking of cell_fate_change_treatments to Treatment.
Add cell_fate_change_protocol.
Schema version 16
Disallow empty strings in description.
Schema version 15
Rename sorted_fraction to sorted_from.
Rename sorted_fraction_detail to sorted_from_detail.
Minor changes since schema version 14
Add construct_library_sets, moi, nucleic_acid_delivery, time_post_library_delivery, and time_post_library_delivery_units.
Expand collections enum list to include ClinGen, GREGoR, IGVF_catalog_beta_v0.1, and MaveDB.
Schema version 14
Mutually require starting_amount and starting_amount_units.
Schema version 13
Rename source to sources, biosample_term to sample_terms, and modification to modifications.
Minor changes since schema version 12
Add publication_identifiers.
Schema version 12
Rename introduced_factors to cell_fate_change_treatments.
Rename time_post_factors_introduction to time_post_change.
Rename time_post_factors_introduction_units to time_post_change_units.
Schema version 11
Add virtual.
Minor changes since schema version 10
remove permissions from classification.
Schema version 10
Require targeted_sample_term, introduced_factors, time_post_factors_introduction and time_post_factors_introduction_units if classification is organoid, differentiated cell specimen, or reprogrammed cell specimen.
Mutually require introduced_factors with time_post_factors_introduction and time_post_factors_introduction_units.
Schema version 9
Remove taxa from required and make it calculated.
Minor changes since schema version 8
Add cellular_sub_pool.
Schema version 8
Rename differentiated cell to differentiated cell specimen.
Rename reprogrammed cell to reprogrammed cell specimen.